full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Emily Levesque: A stellar history of modern astronomy

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, aoroetsnmrs couldn't just walk away from the camera once they'd done this. They had to stay with that camera for as long as they were observing. This meant that astronomers would get into eoavertls attached to the side of the telescope domes. They would ride the elevator high into the building and then clmib into the top of the tpcoeesle and stay there all night shivering in the cold, transferring plates in and out of the camera, opening and closing the sethtur and pointing the telescope to whatever piece of sky they wtenad to study. These astronomers wkreod with operators who would stay on the ground. And they would do things like turn the dome itself and make sure the rest of the telescope was running.

Open Cloze

Now, ___________ couldn't just walk away from the camera once they'd done this. They had to stay with that camera for as long as they were observing. This meant that astronomers would get into _________ attached to the side of the telescope domes. They would ride the elevator high into the building and then _____ into the top of the _________ and stay there all night shivering in the cold, transferring plates in and out of the camera, opening and closing the _______ and pointing the telescope to whatever piece of sky they ______ to study. These astronomers ______ with operators who would stay on the ground. And they would do things like turn the dome itself and make sure the rest of the telescope was running.


  1. wanted
  2. worked
  3. telescope
  4. astronomers
  5. climb
  6. elevators
  7. shutter

Original Text

Now, astronomers couldn't just walk away from the camera once they'd done this. They had to stay with that camera for as long as they were observing. This meant that astronomers would get into elevators attached to the side of the telescope domes. They would ride the elevator high into the building and then climb into the top of the telescope and stay there all night shivering in the cold, transferring plates in and out of the camera, opening and closing the shutter and pointing the telescope to whatever piece of sky they wanted to study. These astronomers worked with operators who would stay on the ground. And they would do things like turn the dome itself and make sure the rest of the telescope was running.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
large magellanic 4
magellanic cloud 4
light years 4
photographic plates 3
oscar duhalde 2
naked eye 2
night sky 2
oscar noticed 2
southern sky 2
light appearing 2
glass plate 2
andromeda nebula 2
bigger telescope 2
rubin observatory 2
preset pattern 2
thousand supernovae 2
human curiosity 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
large magellanic cloud 4

Important Words

  1. astronomers
  2. attached
  3. building
  4. camera
  5. climb
  6. closing
  7. cold
  8. dome
  9. domes
  10. elevator
  11. elevators
  12. ground
  13. high
  14. long
  15. meant
  16. night
  17. observing
  18. opening
  19. operators
  20. piece
  21. plates
  22. pointing
  23. rest
  24. ride
  25. running
  26. shivering
  27. shutter
  28. side
  29. sky
  30. stay
  31. study
  32. telescope
  33. top
  34. transferring
  35. turn
  36. walk
  37. wanted
  38. worked